Wednesday, October 13, 2010

The arrival of the pink ipod

Just me an my ipod
Okay, yeah many of you will think it's not a big deal. Almost everyone I have met has an mp3 player of some sort they take around with them to listen on their walks or on public transport. So when I say 'I don't have an ipod, i never have' to someone if the topic were to arise in conversation they look at me as if I 've just stepped off a time machine from the stone age and decided to pop by and say hi in the 22nd century. Then the conversation would continue on with a little something like this
them: B-but how do you survive?? What do you do when you're on the bus???
me: nothing, look out the window?
them: I don't understand!! Why don't you have one??

And their disbelief would continue on. So here I am 18 years old with my first ipod. :P

Things I find awesome about having a portable music playing device
1. You can listen to the dorkiest song anywhere and no one but you would know
2. You have an excuse for people not to talk to you
3. You guys are probably used to it, but listening to music outdoors is a whole new experience for me

Things not so awesome about a portable musical playing device:
1. I've only had it for a day. But if you're a techno-idiot like me then you may find yourself in a bank and wonder how cool it is that they started playing music in the bank. You proceed with your transactions, receive weird looks from people then leave the bank realising the music has followed you. You wonder how that is possible. You then realise the music the whole time was coming from your ipod in your pocket. You look at the song playing. It is Livin' on a Prayer by Bon Jovi.


  1. YAYYYY!!! And awww the ipod thing at the bank XD Trust to have something already embarrassing to have happened.

  2. have chu tired it out on a rainy day yet?
    rainy days on public transport is my favsss.

  3. Yes!! Today just happened to be pouring as you know. I played sad indie music like i was in a movie. Then 'You Give Love A Bad Name' came on. I was air guitaring walking home xD Hahaa Bon Jovi is so awesome on earphones.
