Friday, June 14, 2013

It is 5:16am

I like to think of myself as the typical uni student. That is, I leave things to the last minute and have been doing so for my entire life. It's not the ideal kind of approach to life but hey, whatever gets you to the destination right? I've come to the conclusion that there are two kinds of people. So imagine all of us students in a race and the flare goes off. We have

1. The Marathon Runners: These people start the race when the flare goes off. They pace themselves over the 3km distance. They give more time to relax and think about their strategy. They give themselves time to take breaks to sip a cup of Gatorade on the side and check out the scenery. They might even finish the race early and take the time to retrace their footsteps. 
Time taken to finish the race: 
 ~30 minutes (look okay, I've never run a marathon before so I have no idea what the average jogging distance is. Actually I don't know why I even included an analogy of a race since I'm allergic to running but all well, I've gone this far.)
Result: Good
Well done, you will probably succeed in life you son of a bitch.

2. The Sprinters: So the flare goes off, you choke the marathon runners' dust. No biggie, you have plenty of time to finish the race. You make it a priority to lie down at the starting line and bask in the sun's rays. It's all rainbows and ponies until you check your watch. OH CRAP WHERE DID THE TIME GO. The adrenaline rush kicks in. You drink the crap out of your four-pack of energy drink and run. Run like you have never run before. Got a cramp in your leg? Too bad, you gotta keep running. You have no time to look back (although for some reason you still think that watching the latest episode of Game of Thrones is a priority). You have to finish that 3km race buddy, no matter how much blood, sweat and tears is dripping. You make it to end of the race on time. Just.
Time taken to finish the race: 
~1-2 minutes
Result: Can range from disastrous to good
But probably could have been so much better if you put in the time and effort the marathon runners did. You now need the ambos to help you recover from the trauma you did to yourself and you swear you will never repeat your life's mistakes again (but you will). But hey, some people produce the best kind of work under the pressure (no sources, or examples, pulling this fact out of my butt). 

Anyway, I should probably get back to my lecture. And yeah, I took the time in the middle of my race to write this blog. 

Sunday, June 9, 2013


Right now I'm pretty fascinated by reading up on what people on death row pick as their last meal. It kinda shows that they were human once who enjoyed human things. I mean food is something everyone has in common that even the most evil of people at one point of their lives enjoyed or even have sentimentality towards. It's kind of creepy. And eating their last meal, knowing it's their last is kind of like accepting their fate that they're going to die and will probably be the last choice they'll ever make. Some interesting ones include a man who requested 2 pints of mint choc chip ice cream, a meal that included watching The Lord of the Rings trilogy, a packet of jolly ranchers, an unpitted olive (who was then buried with the pit), birthday cake with candles, and a cup of coffee.

Anyway, if I knowingly knew it was my last meal I'd have the following:
A large slice of Hawaiian pizza with mushroom topping
My mum's bun rieu
A slice of Victoria sponge cake with pistachio ice cream
A choc peanut butter and caramel shake
Green tea

What about you?

Thursday, June 6, 2013

Delaying things

I know, imaginative title of the post I have here. Peaked your curiosity with it didn't I? Be kind, I am a little rusty with the whole blogging thing. Anyway, I tolds you all I'd be blogging again! I tolds ya, I tolds ya I did! I went against the odds and proved you all wrong motherflippers!! *flips the table over* Sorry, sorry got a little too excited there.
So right now I am currently on house/library lockdown for exam time and been eating chocolate and coffee as my main energy source. I've also been finding more creative ways to avoid studying within the confines in my room such as: googling what kinda fruit can I slap on my face to improve my skin, using Paint to work out the best kind of shape for my brows, going online shopping to figure out what I want to reward myself with for studying before I even begin studying , reading plots of movies/tv shows I'm not interested in watching and learning song lyrics. And then when I realise it's 12am I surrender, plan on an early start the next day, go to bed and turn on an episode of Bizarre Foods with Andrew Zimmern to sleep to, but leads to me wanting to watch other episodes and next thing I know it's 2am and I'm looking up where all the kids from School of Rock are now. Good movie.