Thursday, August 29, 2013

Food Talk

A friend of mine were talking when they said that at her restaurant they sometimes add chicken stock to their vegetarian rice. I thought this was sort of disturbing and told them that it was unethical to do that. The reason I thought this is if something claimed on a menu as vegetarian, I would expect that everything in that dish would contain absolutely no meat products. They disagreed saying that not every detail can't be mentioned in a menu and that it was the responsibility of the customer to ask about everything they order about their diet concerns and at a Chinese restaurant customers should expect that they use meat in everything. I guess if someone had a nut allergy they would ask about every dish they order but I don't know if this is the same issue or not. Either way it makes me think of all the vegetarians that left that restaurant thinking that they had a meal that aligned with their ethics when really they unknowingly just had a sauce that came from stewed chicken bones because like me, they assumed 'vegetarian' means no meat. I don't know, am I just being too PC?

Monday, August 12, 2013

The tale of the four eyed freak

Back in primary to high school I really hated having to wear glasses all the time since I felt like they pigeonholed me into the Asian nerd category. But in a way I kind of liked my face to be defined by the thick ass plastic frames I wore since it was nice to be able to hide behind them looking like my friends and not have my face exposed. Come university I decided it needed to shed from this loser nerd/looking like a fob identity that was probably all in my head and try light thin frames that didn't take over my face and wear contacts as much as possible.
And now eyeglasses are more than ever become a trendy fashion accessory, a choice to wear for people blessed with 20/20 vision and for some reason that really annoys me. You know, that hot-but-quirky-nerd look started by Zooey Dechaneslelleal. What really annoys me is I've changed back to the black frames and I can't bloody pull off the hot-but-quirky look. I JUST LOOK LIKE THE NERD I HAVE ALWAYS BEEN ONLY EMPHASIZED BECAUSE THESE LENSES ARE MASSIVE.