Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Quotes of 2009

'Life is like a box of Turkish Delights chocolates: they're all crap'
-Anna Nguyen

'How do I differentiate again?'
-Gaby Ruslianto

'There are actually a lot of good people in this world...we just tend to remember the bad ones'
-Miss Bliss

'Why is F U not working. If we move F U here we get should get F U. FU FU FU etc
-Miss Ekanayake

'eh eh eh eh eh'
- Guy in the movies with a machine gun laugh

-Miss Ekanayake: '...we get sec squared'
Van from the front: *snorts*

'What colour undies is Monica wearing?''
- Mr Cox

'What's The Beatles?'
-Mike Dao


  1. hahahahahaha
    i love anna's quotes!

  2. you forgot all of the ones i wrote in your diary.... i'm offended.

    <3 hehe happy new year marianne!

  3. lol Emily those quotes were from 2008! Man, that was 2 years ago...
