Sunday, May 30, 2010

It's the end of the world as we know it (and i feel fine)

What would you do if you found out it was the end of the world? I'd love to be in a church, surrounded by everyone I know and we'd just sing and dance to the classics and old pop songs that everyone knows the words to. We'd then say our thank yous, sorrys and confess our feelings. And then as the finale have a gigantic black gospel choir sing Oh Happy Days. That would be quite awesome.

How would you want it to end?


  1. That sounds perfect. But to keep it fresh, I'll say this:

    Men and Women is gowns and suits. Dramatic beautiful violin music playing across the globe, everyone has a hand to hold, just walking. Dancing and walking through the night, but we can all see perfectly clear. It goes for hours and then we just fade, in happiness.

  2. Oh yes! At the end of the world everyone should be holding hands. Like in the Simpsons when that comet's about to hit and Flanders is on the hill
