Friday, June 18, 2010

What's My Age Again?

There are so many songs out there titled 'Seventeen' or 'Sixteen' with the artists recalling their crazy shenanigans, teen angst, being carefree and puppy love or whatever. Yeah, you know what my song would be if I wrote a song about my teenage years?

Was doing VCE
study study study study
but not really studying more like
thinking about studying and worrying that I'm not studying

Wish I were a white girl
And not have my parents ask me why I'm not studying all the time
Everyone's going to a party and I'm at home
watching the television and eating fruit mum cut up for me
watching teens not worry about homework only stressing about their love lives

Now I'm going to the fridge because there's nothing else to do
oh wait, there isn't even anything to eat
What sort of house doesn't have eggs in their refrigerator?
Those were the best days of my life